Enermax Launches the Pro82+ and Modu82+
by Christoph Katzer on March 25, 2008 1:00 AM EST- Posted in
- Cases/Cooling/PSUs
Modu82+ Package and Appearance

The power supply comes in a very nice color box with all the necessary information on it. The unit is encased in bubble wrap to protect it from shipping damages. Enermax typically includes a variety of accessories in their packages. In this case, besides the normal stuff like screws, a power cord, and the manual, we also get a nice cable tie, a bag for unused cables, and stickers.

The power supply comes is a gunmetal color and has a golden fan grille. The latest trend is for manufacturers to print a large logo on the side of their PSUs, or at least attach a large sticker. The Modu82+ series follows this pattern, with its name printed on the side panel. Users can't normally see this logo after installing the PSU in a case, and now it's not possible to see the label with the PSU specifications without removing the PSU, but nobody seems to care. The specifications label is now on top of the power supply, because users don't read it anyway after the unit is installed in a system. The back of the casing is totally perforated to serve as an exhaust.

The front provides the jacks for the cable management system. There are two large 12-pin red jacks and five 5-pin black jacks. The smaller black jacks are reserved for peripheral components like hard drives and optical drives. The red ones are for the graphics card connectors. Enermax states that the 12-pin jacks are "future ready", as they can release updated cables should the need arise.

You can see in the above image that Enermax trimmed the edges of the opening around the bottom fan. Enermax says this additional angle allows the air to enter the power supply more smoothly and thereby reduce noise levels. Since the fan is already quiet and runs at a very slow speed, we couldn't really notice a difference in acoustic noise.
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loslhotos - Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - link
Maybe it's only my impression, but isn't the choke wire outside of the PCB hole?http://www.oink.wz.cz/mimo.jpg">http://www.oink.wz.cz/mimo.jpg
Fuzzilla - Sunday, March 30, 2008 - link
"...there are two main capacitors..."And who is the Mfgr of these for the Modu82+ series? Should I assume Hitachi as stated for the Pro82+ series?
Are you sure there are three rails, what does the bottom of the main PCB look like? Photos please.
According to your diagram the Modu82+ 525W has no floppy connector, Enermax specs state otherwise.
"The solder joints in general aren't that great with Enermax,..."
Really? Photos please.
Regarding Detailed Voltage Distrubtion , Efficiency & Acoustic Comparison: What were the results for the Modu82+ 525W?
Did OCP perform correctly?
How was crossload performance?
How did you test these PSU's?
jonp - Saturday, March 29, 2008 - link
you guys need to get out into the real world and take a break if you have been anxiously awaiting, for months, the arrival of boxes that pump electrons.quanta - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - link
The article misses important pictures, including Voltage Distribution and efficiency graphs.Christoph Katzer - Thursday, March 27, 2008 - link
So maybe you should read it more carefully...vajm1234 - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - link
hope u do that fast as i want all corsair 4nd 5 series psu to be there...especially that 450vx with other good psusfeelingshorter - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - link
Due to marketing with higher and higher wattage PSU's, a lot of people still are clueless on how much a modern day system uses (or at least i am). So i was wondering of Anandtech can give typical systems in which would use said PSUs can be used safely and to maximize efficiency.Such as mention that a dual core, 9600GT system using the 385? Or a 8800GT + quad core using the higher ups? Or can a 385 watt PSU (being that its enermax) handle say a 8800GT + quad core? I remember many websites in the past stating that even well to do gaming system don't need as much watts as people would expect.
nilepez - Thursday, March 27, 2008 - link
If the vast majority of power can be served on the 12V rails, then yes.an 8800GT less than 100W at full power. You can be fairly certain that the rest of your system pulls less than your graphics card (at least if it's core duo...havne't looked into quad cores).
When you go to PSU calculators, those figures they recommend are based on everything in your system operating at 100%. maybe it's just me, but I've never had my GPU, CPU, HD and DVD all going at 100% at the same time. At idle, you're probably pulling under 100W with an 8800GT (512mb). If you're overclocking, it can vary.
The main key is to get a good PSU, not necessarily a huge one, though I'm building one for my parents that's got a huge PSU (i've i'd seen this review 4 days ago, I would have bought the 385W enermax), because it was rated as very quiet....but these are apparently even quieter...and more efficient too.
Christoph Katzer - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - link
Correct and we are working on that kind of article already :)strafejumper - Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - link
lot of places just focus on 800 and 1000 watt psu'si'm looking at the conclusion page and it says 350, 380, 385 !!!
i don't upgrade everytime something new comes out so these power supplies are still very usable for me and im glad they get some attention.