Again, the Athlon at 1.2GHz holds a 10% lead over the Pentium 4 at 1.5GHz. Even on a PC133 platform, the 1.2GHz Athlon ends up 2% faster than the Pentium 4.

UnrealTournament is a very texture intensive game, meaning that these a considerable amount of stress on memory bandwidth which the AMD 760 DDR platform definitely has. At the same time there is a stress on low latency memory performance, which the AMD 760 platform has, but which the Pentium 4 also has. Remember that the Athlon can do more in a single clock than the Pentium 4, making the 300MHz difference in clock speed between the Pentium 4 and the Athlon compared here mean very little.


Under Expendable, a very memory performance dependent test, the Pentium 4 suffers considerably, falling to the bottom of our performance charts. Even a high clock speed wouldn't help the Pentium 4 here, it seems like there are some situations in which the Pentium 4 just isn't a high performer.

Gaming Performance - MDK2 Office/Content Creation Performance - SYSMark 2000
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