American McGee's Alice

American McGee's Alice offers a demented telling of Alice in Wonderland and unlike the original story, makes use of the Quake III Arena engine, which uses the OpenGL API if you're not already aware. 

Since the game had built in timedemo functionality but no demo, we simply recorded a quick demo at the very end of the game.  Other than the resolution and color depth, Alice's settings were left untouched.


We just mentioned that Alice was based on the Q3A engine, meaning that the same performance characteristics we saw under Q3A in our previous articles should appear here as well; and they do. 

The GeForce2 GTS actually enjoys a 10% increase in performance, which happens to be the first tangible performance increase we have seen thus far in the comparison.

With the latest drivers it seems as if ATI has definitely fixed the issues we noticed under Quake III Arena the first time around as the Radeon now offers Windows 2000 performance that is on-par with its performance under Windows 98.

Bioware's MDK2 idSoftware's Quake III Arena
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