As the only vendor of PC hardware to make an appearance at E3 '08, Toshiba had no worries fending off the likes of Alienware or Voodoo with its new X305 laptop designed for gamers. While not exactly what one would call top of the line when it comes to gaming hardware, the X305 appears to hold its own among midrange gaming PC's with an NVIDIA GeForce 9700M GTS graphics card and Intel Core 2 Duo T7350 processor. Sporting a retail price of around $1500, Toshiba's new 17" gaming laptop can be purchased exclusively at Best Buy. They face some stiff competition from Gateway's P-6860 FX (and an upcoming refresh of that model), but it's good to see other companies figuring out that gaming laptops for under $2000 are possible.

Later this year, Ubisoft's Prince of Persia will once again grace consoles along with the Games for Windows platform in a new adventure, titled The Fallen King. With a brand new look and a storyline that breaks away from previous titles, Warrior Within and Two Thrones, the Prince will be accompanied throughout much of the game by the heroine, Erika, who serves as a guide through the game's massive open world setting. Players can expect a truly breathtaking visual experience while leaping, climbing, and wall-running through plenty of puzzle-solving elements, all the while experiencing a totally revamped fighting system. Watch for The Fallen King as it makes its way to store shelves this holiday season.

Ever wonder how a first person shooter would fair if you took away the shooter? Developer DICE who brought us Battlefield Bad Company did, and they went for it with Mirror's Edge, a high-energy action game where gunplay takes a back seat to free running and platforming. While opportunities to grab a weapon and serve up enemies in the traditional fashion exist throughout the game, players may find using their fists and feet to do their dirty work can be equally engaging. Let's watch.
Mirror's Edge is a definitely breakout title that is sure to make waves when it is released this fall on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.
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CBone - Sunday, July 27, 2008 - link
Are there any features that the single player might be interested in?EddieTurner - Sunday, July 27, 2008 - link
Other than what looks like a kick-ass campaign, not really sure.0roo0roo - Sunday, July 27, 2008 - link
they are so phoney and annoying to watch, i wanted to turn away it was sickening. awful stuff, hire someone that won't appear to be a phoney to gamers and geeks.whatthehey - Sunday, July 27, 2008 - link
You knew it would be bad as soon as the one lady talks about "beating up on her boss". It's one thing to have the top management get up on stage and do a presentation and talk about how great the new hardware, software, etc. is going to be. To have them get up there and do a live demo of new hardware? On a Wii!? That's just asking for trouble.Hell, you don't see the execs at EA or any other major gaming company playing the games in their demonstrations. Nintendo should have figured that out. They have people in their booths that are "normal gamers" for a reason.
0roo0roo - Sunday, July 27, 2008 - link
yea your spokesman has to have some credibility. this cammie woman just reeked of a condescending soccer mom talking down to gamers with her fake act.coolsam2 - Friday, July 25, 2008 - link
SB750 article..Aethelwolf - Friday, July 25, 2008 - link
If Carmack isn't using OpenGL then OGL its pretty much dead in the commercial game rendering business. Shame too. Microsoft will never open DX. It's a cash cow for them.Pirks - Saturday, July 26, 2008 - link
Man, that's total bullsh1t. How can OGL die if PS3 uses it? Jeez... can't believe people can be sooo ignorantwhatthehey - Saturday, July 26, 2008 - link
As pointed out in the article, there is a Mac version of Rage that uses OpenGL, so for sure id isn't abandoning OpenGL. My bet is that the game uses DX9 equivalent fragment shaders (the OpenGL version of DX9 pixel and vertex shaders), just like the Doom 3 engine.Regs - Friday, July 25, 2008 - link
Im afraid this game is going to be another STALKER. When it comes out it will be drounded by other hot new releases with developers that are actually able to execute and launch with a specific dead line.And Empire Total War looks sweet! Though Feb 2009? :(