Quake III Arena quaver.dm3 - Athlon 750

As the beta drivers of the Voodoo5 5500 show, poor drivers can result in poor performance. The KYRO's alpha drivers were able to beat the Voodoo5 5500's drivers, however both cards were easily crushed by the competition.


The early drivers appear to cripple the KYRO once again, as it is only able to beat the Voodoo5 5500 with its beta drivers in use. The card also beats the 32 MB SDR GeForce.

As we have seen before, at 1024x768 the KYRO is able to overcome its crippling drivers. The card not only keeps up with both the Voodoo5 5500 and the 32 and 64 MB DDR GeForce cards, it is actually able to beat these cards by a small margin. The KYRO performed 5% faster than the 64 MB DDR GeForce.

Q3 Quaver Performance: Pentium III 550E (cont.) Q3 Quaver Performance: Athlon 750 (cont.)
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