Matrox Millennium G450

by Anand Lal Shimpi on September 5, 2000 3:04 AM EST

2D Image Quality and Performance

Matrox has always been the king of 2D image quality, and the G450 does nothing to change that title other than reinforce it. The sharp 360MHz RAMDAC the G450 borrowed from the G400MAX provides for a very sharp display at 1600 x 1200 and even at higher resolutions provided that you have a high end monitor capable of displaying such resolutions.

On our Sony FD Trinitron GDM-F500 display the G450 provided a sharper picture than any competing card we tried, but that is to be expected from Matrox. What was even more impressive was that the image quality of the secondary display at 1600 x 1200 was definitely acceptable.


A card with good drivers won't have a problem with 2D performance as you can see by the above scores. The 1 - 2% performance difference between the various cards is negligible.

Nothing to see here, the cards perform within a couple percent of one another.

Direct3D Performance - UnrealTournament Conclusion
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  • bstct - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - link

    Thanks for the excellent and helpful article.

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